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international and community development in Vietnam

Archive for the ‘Clean Water’ Category

San Jose Rotary Club

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2018

With a generous grant from the Rotary Club of San Jose, in October 2018 VNHelp purchased and installed 10 water treatment systems at 10 elementary schools in Nam Dinh Province targeting areas where water is contaminated and unsafe to drink.  The clean water provided by the systems benefits 5,150 students, nearly 200 teachers and school staff during school days as it is safe to drink and free of water-borne diseases, and will help to improve overall health in the communities. Additionally, this project will reduce the financial burden for low-income parents who have to buy bottled water for their children every day, as well as the amount of discarded bottle wastes.


Clean water to Hà Vinh Village

Thursday, June 23rd, 2016

clean water             clean water 2

             The Water Plant in Ha Vinh Village                                   Ribbon cutting ceremony (Thu Do wearing blue shirt)

At the beginning of this year, with support from the Vibrant Village Foundation, Yahoo! and Mrs. Mai Dolch, VNHelp completed the construction of the water filtration plant and the distribution system in Hà Vinh Village, Ha Trung District, Thanh Hóa Province. The beneficiaries are 1,600 households in the village (about 7,000+ people) . VNHelp’s Executive Director, Thu Do, attended the opening ceremony of the filtration plant and visited some of the beneficiaries. Please view some video excerpts from her interviews of villagers about the new, clean water supply.



Clean water to Ha Vinh Village

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

VNHELP’s Executive Director, Thu Do, attended the opening ceremony of the water filtration plant in Ha Vinh Village, Ha Trung District, Thanh Hoa Province on Friday, Feb 26, 2016. Thu also visited many beneficiary’s homes to see people enjoyed the crystal clear water right at their home. The entire water system includes wells, many function tanks, water tower, machine room, main pipeline network, and mini-pipelines that connect more than a thousand families to clean water.
This project was made possible with the combined grants from Yahoo, Vibrant Village Foundation and Mrs. Mai Dolch.

1 6. Clean water to every household thanks to the pipeline system

           Many villagers attending the ceremony                                          Clean water to every household


            Recognition of the water plant’s sponsors                           Thu Do (blue shirt) cutting the ribbon                             

Clean Water Comes to Quang Ngai

Thursday, March 21st, 2013

March 22 is World Water Day! What better way to celebrate one of Earth’s most precious resources than to share with you its impact in VNHELP’s most recently completed water project?

With support from our partners and community, VNHELP brought clean water to 37 different schools in Quang Ngai province. Many schools in Vietnam lack access to a clean water source, which means students either have to bring their own water to school or drink unsanitized water from a tap. If there’s no tap, or if a student forgot to bring his water bottle to school, there’d be nothing to drink. Can you imagine how difficult it must be to go a whole day at school without a drop to drink? Thankfully, students at these schools no longer have to imagine such a situation. UV filtration systems were installed in the schools, and a faculty member at each of the school was trained on how to maintain the system.

To make this project even more meaningful, there was also a water, sanitation, and hygiene campaign to create better health awareness among children, teachers, and their families. Check out a slide show of the project below!

[meteor_slideshow slideshow=”qnwater”]

Thank you Ms. Mai Dolch for funding this project!

Cung cấp nước sạch tại bản Pache’

Tuesday, January 29th, 2013

Read the English version of this post here.


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