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international and community development in Vietnam

Project Update: Vocational Training in Vietnam Round 2, Part 1

Remember our re-launch of the vocational training in Vietnam program last year? In that first cycle, we gave 30 youth a chance to re-new their lives by participating in a 3.5 month training program to become skilled motorbike mechanics. 26 ended up graduating from the program. Following its success, we decided to continue the program with a new group of 30 youth. We are pleased to announce that all 30 participants graduated this time. Our project coordinators in Vietnam sent us printed photos of the second cycle, and we’ve scanned them to share with you!

Black Hat

Students get their hands-on in their learning.

The students gather for a lecture outside and in the warmth of the sun.

The students gather for a lecture outside and in the warmth of the sun.


Notes on the lap, assiduously studying and practicing his skills.

Working hard!

Working hard!

Students study together and help each other out.

Students study together and help each other out.

Instructors are always happy to help too.

Instructors are always happy to help too.

Everyone watches out for one another.

Everyone watches out for one another.


We’ll be back with more photos from the program soon! Great to see everyone so engaged and serious about their studying, but still having fun along the way.


One Response to “Project Update: Vocational Training in Vietnam Round 2, Part 1”

  1. […] week, we reported on the wrap-up of our second cycle of vocational training. As we await the final results of the students’ […]

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