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Archive for the ‘Economic Development’ Category

News Roundup, First Week of September

Friday, September 7th, 2012


The news roundup for this week is mostly somber, with financial woes, health concerns, and dying elephants making the headlines.


Can Vietnam’s Workforce Compete in an Age of Global Competition?

Wednesday, September 5th, 2012

A new blog post from the World Bank asks, “Is Vietnam’s workforce ready for the future?… Are Vietnam’s workers ready to move from low to high tech production? From rice to robots?”

These are all extremely relevant questions facing Vietnam today, and it’s something we often ponder about at VNHELP as well. While we are optimistic about Vietnam’s development, we are also tepid. A common critique leveled at Vietnam is that it’s education system is antiquated, placing too much of an emphasis on memorization and not enough on creativity and critical thinking. As true as this may be, we also think this is just one of many problems the Vietnam’s education authorities address. To have better workers, we believe that you also need good mentors. You need experienced people who are willing to cultivate younger workers, and you need young workers who are willing to share their experiences with their peers. But according to many whom we’ve conversed and consulted with, Vietnamlacks a culture of mentorship. The education structure, as well as the competitive businesses environment, promotes a race to leapfrog to the top rather than an ethic of teamwork, both vertically and laterally.

So, we believe for Vietnamese workers to be globally competitive, it is not just a matter of enhancing technical and cognitive skills, it is also a question of whether Vietnam can get into the right mindset for success.

What are your thoughts?
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Video from the World Bank


Photo from the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs via Flickr (Creative Commons)

The Weekly Round Up, Fourth Week of July

Friday, July 27th, 2012

A lot has happened in the past week, impacting not just our human existence, but our natural world as well. Most notably, the HIV/AIDS conference in Washington D.C. is about to wrap up, and the World Wildlife Fund came out with a new report warning about the treatment of endangered species in Vietnam.


The Weekly Round Up, Second Week of July

Friday, July 13th, 2012

Here are some articles of interest for the second week of July.


The Weekly News Roundup: Vietnam and International Development News, Fourth Week of June

Friday, June 29th, 2012

Welcome to VNHELP’s new blog feature: a weekly news roundup of the latest events in Vietnam’s social and economic development. There is always a ton of stuff going on in Vietnam and in the international development world, and sometimes it can be hard to keep track of what the latest innovation in water technology is or why inflation in Vietnam is sinking or cresting. We’ve prepared the weekly round up to help you stay posted with interesting and informative articles around the web. The weekly round up is curated by our staff, with an emphasis on global news that directly and indirectly affects Vietnam.
