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essential HELP: a weblog
international and community development in Vietnam


February 9th, 2016


Bên thềm năm mới

Tôi viết thư này gửi đến các bạn trong lúc mọi người đang háo hức đón tết Bính Thân. “Ông Táo” vừa được tiễn về trời; nhìn hình ảnh từ Việt Nam gửi sang thấy chợ tết thật đông vui; tại vùng San Jose các bánh chưng, dưa món, bao mừng tuổi… đang được bày bán nhiều nơi. Năm nay đối với tôi dường như không khí tết có phần vui hơn mọi năm, có lẽ vì lòng tôi cảm thấy hân hoan khác thường.

Tôi cảm thấy hạnh phúc vì mấy hôm nay VNHelp nhân được rất nhiều email của các sinh viên từ khắp các tinh Cần Thơ, Sài Gòn, Huế, Hà Nội… viết những lời cám ơn và chúc tết; tôi thấy phấn khởi vì một số ân nhân bảo trợ đang chuẩn bị  cùng đi Việt Nam với tôi một tuần sau tết để khánh thành 2 trường học  và nhà máy nước; tôi mừng  vì năm 2016 sẽ đánh dấu 25 năm hoạt động của VNHelp!

Nhìn lại những thành quả tốt đẹp của VNHelp  trong năm 2015 cũng như trong suốt 25 năm qua, tôi xin được bày tỏ lòng biết ơn sâu sắc nhất đến các ân nhân ủng hộ tài chính, các thiện nguyện viện góp sức góp công, các đối tác tại Việt Nam nhiệt tình hợp tác, và các thân hữu luôn khuyến khích tinh thần. Nhờ mỗi người một tay mà VNHelp đã lớn mạnh không ngừng và đã tạo được nhiều thay đổi tích cực trong cuộc sống của người dân nghèo.

Xin thay mặt những người nhận sự trợ giúp của VNHelp tại Việt Nam, kính chúc các bạn năm mới An Khang Thịnh Vượng.

Đỗ Anh Thư, viết trong ngày 24 tết

Welcome the New Year

I am writing this letter while Vietnamese from all over the world are getting ready to welcome Year of the Monkey. As Tết is the most important holiday in Vietnamese culture, through pictures I can feel the festivities on the streets and in every home in Vietnam. In the San Jose area, where VNHelp is located, Vietnamese Americans also keep the tradition; new year food, flowers, and red envelops are displayed in almost every store.  This year I feel Tết is more joyful than previous years. The mood of Tết seems to be more delightful to me personally, and I know exactly why.

I am happy to receive so many emails from our scholarship recipients expressing their gratitude and new year wishes to VNHelp and our donors. I feel encouraged because some VNHelp’s sponsors are preparing to join me in my upcoming working trip in Vietnam. And I am proud to see VNHelp celebrating its 25th anniversary this year; step by step the organization is growing strong and continues to create positive impacts in Vietnam.

Recounting the VNHelp’s achievements in 2015 and in the past 25 years, I am thankful for the support VNHelp has been receiving from so many people. We wouldn’t have accomplished what we set out to do without the generosity of our donors, the dedication of our volunteers, the collaboration of our local partners, and the kind words of support from many friends. Everyone has assisted us in different ways, but all share the same goal to help the needy in Vietnam. Your special ways and generous heart make a beautiful difference. Thank you!

May Year of the Monkey bring you good health, happiness, and prosperity. Chúc Mừng Năm Mới!

Thu Anh Do


VNHELP’S Micro-finance Program

October 27th, 2015

In 2014, 209 women in Hop Hoa Village, Tam Duong District, Vinh Phuc Province took out small loans from VNHELP’s micro-finance program. Check out some successful case stories and please join us to make a change for poor women in Vietnam. 

Wheelchairs for disabled people

October 14th, 2015

For a person with a physical disability, Vietnam’s traffic is immobilizing. The lack of basic infrastructure can make commuting a daily struggle for those with disabilities, and public and private facilities have no accommodations for those who need it. We distribute free wheelchairs to disabled individuals so they can get their lives going. In 2014, VNHELP and ABS Foundation distributed wheelchairs to 20 disabled individuals in Hue Province and offered 3 months of vocational training in sewing, embroidery and carpentry. See photos here

wheelchair sponsored by VNHELP


Typhoon Haiyan Relief Efforts in Vietnam

December 27th, 2013

Although Vietnam escaped Typhoon Haiyan relatively unscathed compared to the destruction that tragically wrought the Philippines, there were still many people in central Vietnam whose lives and livelihood were devastated by the event.

VNHELP initially wasn’t sure if we had the resources to help the typhoon victims in Vietnam, but thankfully, with support from the Compassionate Service Society, the Quy Nhon Charitable Association, and individual donors, we pooled together enough funds to go in and make a true difference.

We’ve been helping typhoon victims with food and financial assistance, and we’ve been checking in to see if we can play a role in recovery efforts. It’s humbling to see the light of hope return to people’s eyes as they realize help is there for them. We’ll update this post as more info about the relief efforts comes in from Vietnam, but for now, check out some of the pictures below!

Relief 1

People waited patiently for assistance.

Relief 2

They were kind and helped us keep track of what was being distributed.

Relief 3

Relief 4

Many of the people we helped were elderly; they would have had a very hard time getting back on their feet otherwise.

Relief 5

Great to see a smile on this gentleman’s face again.

Relief 6

Relief 7

Relief 9

Relief 10

Relief 8

Thanks to the wonderful volunteers and project coordinators who were there to take care of the distribution logistics!


What is Giving Tuesday?

November 25th, 2013


You’ve probably heard of Black Friday and it’s digital cousin Cyber Monday, but have you heard of Giving Tuesday?

Giving Tuesday first began in 2012. It was started by 92Y, a community center and nonprofit organization in New York City. The folks at 92Y observed that in the U.S., there’s a day to celebrate thanksgiving and two whole days to indulge in shopping, but no day to celebrate generosity. Why? Generosity has been a backbone of culture and society, but rarely does it receive the limelight. So Giving Tuesday aims to change that by dedicating a day to giving. It’s a day to encourage one another to give to charity and think about how we can best put our dollars to use helping others in need. Giving Tuesday always falls on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving Thursday, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday. This year, it is December 3rd, 2013.

At VNHELP, we hope you’ll give to your favorite charities, both ones doing work locally and globally. We hope you’ll consider making a donation to VNHELP as part of your Giving Tuesday plans too. We sincerely appreciate it.

Happy holidays all!